Religion of self-hatred

“Self Hating [insert name of ethnic group]” is a very common phenomenon in many countries but the more I live in Russia the more I see that no one loathes their own ethnicity more than the self-hating Russian.
In Moscow you'd be surprised what businesses spring up in the old basements of buildings. In fact the other day I was in a very luxuriously remodelled part of a dank dripping basement to do some side work. (nothing illegal mind you) As is Russian tradition I got into a heated political debate of a sort over a cup of tea, and the topic of the argument are important to understand for foreign people trying to grasp what is going on in Russia.
I’ve had this conversation at least 1,000 times (that is no exaggeration I literally mean 1,000) and sometimes I even have it a few times per day. It is basically them (Russians) telling me that I am insane for living in Russia and trying to convince me to leave. Could you ever imagine Americans en masse telling an immigrant who loves America that they are insane and that they should take a long walk off a short pier?
But I digress, the tea time conversation in the basement carried on along the usual path until he said one thing that was so absolutely disgusting and so absolutely telling of the double-think that Russians have in terms of the West that it absolutely floored me…
“Veterans in America don’t live under bridges because they are poor, they just live under them because it’s fun and they can talk to their friends, they all have free housing provided to them by the government for life”
This statement shows the total level of cognitive dissonance that many people in Russia have. I am not saying that the guy who said this is dumb but in his mind, America is perfect, therefore any veterans under bridges must be there of their own freewill and not only that, they are having lots of fun, and despite their filthy appearance they obviously all have lovely free homes to go to in the evening. In the West everything is wonderful and in Rashki (what they call Russia) everything is terrible.

What if we reversed his argument? Sadly I see numerous men without legs in the Moscow Metro begging for change. If I said that they were begging for change “for fun and to socialize” my opponent in the argument would be right to call me insane.
This double-think extends into any discussion you may have with Russian liberals. They will say that their own Russian counterparts are inbred scum because of the protests/riots on Manezhnaya Square after a football fan was shot dead, but England is a paradise of culture with not a redneck to be seen despite the fact that Londoners almost burnt the city down during violent riots
They will tell me to leave Russia because they beat protestors here, but if you take the time to watch a G8 or G20 protest on YouTube you will see the Russian police start to look rather merciful
They will scream that in the West everyone is cared for but if you watch the BBC Documentary “Poor America”  you will be able to see the realities of the other side of America; waiting for hours and hours for medical care, and a little girl saying she was forced to eat rats to survive.
But it doesn’t matter what you tell them, evidence means nothing to the self-hating Russian, he is a member of the Church of Ethnic Inferiority. Seriously this self-hatred has become a religion all its own. People are born into and indoctrinated into this church; even a friend of a friend of mine uses my writings and YouTube videos to convince her parents to stop telling her to leave the country. Religion works on faith, some wonder how people can say the world is only 5,000 years old or how a cult can continue even after the leader’s prediction of Judgment Day fails to come to fruition. This is due to total cognitive dissonance, people will find any reason they can to continue to believe what is comfortable and they are used to.
Even Russians who leave Russia carry on the faith, from their new lives in paradise they continue to write blogs and convince others that “it’s time to bail” on Russia. Their level of hatred for their own kind is so extreme that nothing could ever stop it, not even living thousands of miles away from Russia and completely isolated from the culture, they must write thousands of blogs and record hours of podcasts to keep the faith alive, hallelujah!
Self-hating Russians are like an anorexic girl who ever so slowly murders herself by starvation seeing fat in the mirror while there is not but skin on the bone. This religion is far more dangerous to Russia than radical non-Eurasian Islam.
Note: Many of you may find the above hypocritical because I left the USA and do some videos with a robot  that are very critical of it. Well those videos are critical of the government. The USA like Russia should have “derzhava” status (as we’ve talked about) I also believe the US constitution and encompassing philosophy of the Founding Fathers are fantastic, it may not exactly be my value system but it is a damn good one. My gripes are with the people who pull the strings I have no ill will towards the average American. Try finding a Russian liberal who like the philosophy(ies) of Russia!
I hope that no one thinks that I am making light of the suffering of veterans in the USA or Russia, no one who serves should ever wind up under a bridge or begging for change in a subway car.

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